Dr Kate Langdon

Dr Kate Langdon


Dr Kate Langdon has over 20 years experience working as an environmental scientist, specialising in environmental contaminants and assessing potential exposure and risks to human health and ecosystems. Kate’s work experience has focused on research as well as providing scientific advice to support policy and regulation of environmental contaminants. Her experience includes providing technical advice to regulators on potential human health and ecological risks from contaminants, contaminated sites assessments, land application of waste, application of environmental guidelines and terrestrial/aquatic ecotoxicology; reviewing and undertaking detailed human health and ecological risk assessments; deriving risk-based guidelines/criteria for soils and organic waste; soil contaminant chemistry; modelling ecotoxicity in terrestrial environments; analytical chemistry (organic and inorganic); development of environmental guidance documents; project design and management; and technical writing.

Contact Kate Langdon on 0473 327 815 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Environmental Risk Sciences Pty Ltd
PO Box 2537 Carlingford Court NSW 2118 Australia
Phone: +61 2 9614 0297
Email: inquiry@enrisks.com.au