Risk assessment of chemicals, vapour intrusion

Where volatile chemicals are present in the environment, a vapour intrusion assessment may be required to support a human health risk assessment. These assessments may include the measurement of concentrations of chemicals in soil vapour (the air within the soil) and/or the use of vapour intrusion modelling. Vapour intrusion modelling estimates the movement of volatile chemicals in soil, soil vapour and/or groundwater into overlying enclosed spaces such as buildings and service trenches.

There are industry standard practices for the conduct of vapour intrusion assessments and modelling in Australia. These practices are outlined in the following CRC CARE technical reports (Technical Reports | crcCARE):

  • Technical Report No. 23, Petroleum hydrocarbon vapour intrusion assessment: Australian guidance, July 2013, principal author Dr. Jackie Wright.
  • Technical Report No. 13, Field assessment of vapours, August 2009, principal author Dr. Jackie Wright.

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